Our Day-Long Visioning Retreat
may be the single most useful work
you'll ever do to clear the inner barriers
that stand in the way of what you desire.

Please let that in.

Without exaggeration,
this will change the trajectory
of your personal and professional life

People come here seeking change in various areas of their lives. Some feel creatively stuck or unfulfilled. Some need help as a couple. Others are challenged by maintaining a healthy work-life balance. For some it's about support in time management and decision making. Most anything that you could possibly desire will benefit from this unique coaching method.  

Personal Growth & Self-Mastery

This unique system will help you dive into the depths of self-discovery and unlock the hidden treasures within yourself. Go ahead, tap into your limitless potential and expand your consciousness. What does a life of purpose, meaning and authentic self-expression look like for you?

Beliefs & Possibilities

Perhaps you're struggling with some limiting beliefs or mindsets? This particular method is designed to help you reframe your thoughts. This, in turn, will help you break free from those patterns and open up new possibilities for growth and transformation. Does that sound appealing?

Your Trauma

Trauma needs to be fully processed in order to complete. I will help you heal, transform, and reclaim your life from the weight of trauma. Imagine re-writing your narrative, and being guided towards a future of empowerment. Perhaps it's time?

Clarity & Direction in Life

Perhaps you are struggling with a lack of clarity or direction in your life? This approach will help you unlock creativity and problem-solving abilities that you never even knew you had. this is your opportunity to break out of a creative rut.

Spiritual Growth & Inner Development

If you are seeking to deepen your spiritual growth, I can help facilitate deep spiritual experiences and growth for you. Would you like professional support with diving into a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you?

Self-Confidence & Inner Strength

If your self-confidence needs a boost, this unique system will help you tap into your inner strength and deeply embrace your worth. Imagine, for a moment, your self-doubt dissolved, your limiting beliefs re-written and your self-confidence unshakable… Good stuff, right?

Your Fears

Some of our fears keep us from living fully expressed. Maybe you're blocked by a fear of failure (or maybe it's the fear of success?) and you find that it's preventing you from either taking risks and/or pursuing your dreams? We will help you confront these fears and dial in more courage and confidence for you to move forward in life!

Relationship Issues

Perhaps you are struggling with difficulty around intimacy or communication. We'll help you gain deeper insight into those struggles and ultimately improve your relationship. Your relationship deserves this. Otherwise, why are you in it? This is especially powerful for couples.

What the ReVision Coaching System provides for you  (in a nutshell)

1. Preparation.
2. Guidance.
3. Integration.

Preparation, guidance, and integration are the three pillars of your success in the unique, consciousness-expanding ReVision Coaching System. (Each of those three pillars has an informative article for you to read about further in Articles, below)

We first begin with expertly-crafted preparation, the first pillar of this triarchy... preparation perfectly tailored for you. For the first two weeks, you and I look at your visions and desires. We set your intentions. We address what's in the way of where you want to go. We craft and refine your prayer. And we work this out until you're ready to go into a Day-Long Retreat.

Only then, when your intentions are articulated clearly and stated in the positive, when your objections have been revealed and understood, and your heart, your body and your mind are primed and ready, can you take the journey inward, an internal introspective journey, where we've removed a lot of external stimuli. The goal here is transformation, not stabilization.. There's music involved in this journey. And this is where the skillful guidance comes in. Here, during the Day-Long Retreat, we gather the wisdom and teachings and then weave it all, with finesse, into your day-to-day life.

To do this expertly, we must ground your experience well. For this we rely on precise Integration. For the next few weeks following the retreat, we take advantage of the neuro-plasticity of your brain to begin forming new neural pathways for you, as you can begin activating and habituating the change(s) that you were calling in with your intentions.

Ready to begin?

"Nothing happens unless first we dream" - Carl Sandburg
the System image

Here's how we can work together:  

About Me image
My name is Sergio Nikita Lialin, and I am the coach and guide at ReVision Coaching.

I work with people to help change their lives for the better. I am devoted to making a difference in the lives of others, and I am well-trained to do this. I'm blessed to have decades of first-hand experience in the field, as well as extraordinarily-varied training, (all coupled with an insatiable appetite for always learning more).

Drawing from my own medicine journeys in life, the non-stop education that I’ve had, and the wisdom gained from immersing myself in different cultures, I offer a unique and embodied knowledge of various healing philosophies, cosmologies, and modalities.

I grew up using psychedelics when I began high school. Sitting in my first ceremony 15 years later really changed things for me. I studied psychedelics and ceremony for the next 30 years.

I had been shown the profound potential of plant medicines as keys to our divinity, and I became committed to learning all I could about the ceremonial use of plant medicines and their healing abilities. This realization would become my foundation that later would lead me to guide others on transformative journeys. My mission became to reduce human suffering on Earth, one human at a time.

It was also back in high school that I fell in love with my psychology class, where I began learning about the workings of the mind. As an adult, I continued to delve even deeper into the study of human behavior. At some point I found how seamlessly (surprise!) psychedelics dovetailed with psychology!

In hundreds of traditional ceremonies I witnessed, time and again, the medicines' transformative and healing power, simply blowing the doors off of traditional talk therapy. How many times I've heard a participant say, "That was like a year of therapy in one night!"

As a guide and a coach, I hold great reverence for the potential of expanded states of consciousness (ESC) in personal growth and healing. And while various portals can lead us to these states, (music, meditation, breath work, and drumming come to mind), it's the psychedelic molecules and sacred plant medicines that truly ignite my passion.

My explorations and research have taken me in many directions. I have been very fortunate to receive teachings and trainings from healers and shamans in Peru, Brazil, and Colombia, and my fields of study also have (and still do) encompass herbal medicine, traditional healing, neurolinguistic programming, psychology, and counseling.

I believe my calling is to bridge the gap between traditional indigenous practices and our Western world and to bring the sacredness of expanded consciousness into our collective understanding.

This is the background I bring when I provide clients with the preparation, guidance, and integration support they need for their own transformative journeys.

From the lineages of healers, practitioners, and researchers who came before me, I have acquired valuable knowledge about plant medicines, their magic, their risks, and how to use them constructively, and I lovingly apply this knowledge for fullest blossoming and the greatest good of the client.

In the spirit of the curanderos of the South, I strive for the welfare of the individuals and couples I serve, making my expertise and services available to all who may benefit from them.

Joseph S.

Tech Consultant

“…it’s hard to put the transformation into words. Incredible amounts of healing occurred in that retreat. I’m still processing my new awareness of my role on this earth. You are a gifted master with what you do, and how you do it, Sergio. Thank you for the gifts of your wisdom.”

Julia D.

User Interface (UI) Designer

"...I've got a lot of attention on how I talk to myself these days, "stated in the positive", as you like to say! You have held space for so much to happen. I am a new person. Thank you for offering the work that you do. Breathing exercises are my first order of business every morning!"

Wendy P.

Estate Planning Lawyer

This was one of the most important experiences of my life, Sergio. Everything has changed since my retreat with you - I perceive things differently. I am enjoying slowing down enough to listen to how something feels inside of my body. And I feel a connection to life that I've never felt before. Thank you for guiding me on this spiritual journey.

Amy W.

Marketing Researcher

I find you extremely knowledgeable, very perceptive, and a kind of a wizard in my life, Sergio. The retreat was life-altering for me. You are a gem. Sending you love and many thanks for all the wonderful work you are doing on this earth

  • San Rafael, California

Your journey begins the minute you reach out to me. If there's anything else I can assist you with, just let me know. We're all in this together, exploring the depths of our minds and striving for personal growth. Please, keep shining your light!

You are so powerful, that if you think you're not, you're not. Let that in.